Koch Snowflake

This piece was written as exploration of meta-music. My interest in compositional systems which employ mathematical notions has lead me to research how to compose using fractals. This is the musical result of composing with Koch Snowflake. saracardinalemusic · Interlude 2 Koch Snowflake

Cigno Nero

The piece Cigno Nero was written using Neo-Riemannian Theory, elements of Schillinger’s system of music composition and Arv​o​ Pärt’s Tintinnabuli technique. The first half of the piece uses chord progressions that have foundation in the Neo-Riemannian Theory (NRT). I chose a series of chords, of which most are connected through NRT moves, and wrote them…

Mark of Markov

Mark of Markov explores modal composition by using six different Markov chains to determine all the musical elements of the piece. The first Markov chain describes the chord progression, and every 4 bars allows the piece to potentially change to one of four modes; Lydian, Ionian, Mixolydian or Dorian. Each mode has a separate Markov…


“Islands” draws stylistic elements from film music, and applies concepts from Juslin and Västfjäll’s BRECVEM(A) model about eliciting emotions through music. The track, – structurally inspired by a photograph of Norwegian fjords – builds modal islands by repeatedly shifting the tonal centre from one C mode to the other over a C pedal note, in…